Black lives matter

Black lives matter
by Tommy Caldwell
(published on @tommycaldwell on 2020, June 11)

A few years ago I chose to put my energy behind environmental causes. Not because I valued nature over people, but because I figured if our planet is not healthy, all humans would suffer. I’ve tried to become an activist for clean air and water, carbon reduction, and saving our last wild places. The last few weeks have challenged my views on environmentalism and made me think deeply about my privilege and racism. Injustices towards black lives and racism are threats to the future of humanity, as are environmental threats. We should constantly be reevaluating our flaws, biases and impacts and working to do better. The Black Lives Matter movement has shown that activism works. Speaking your mind and joining together can make rapid change. Bills are passing that would have been a pipe dream a few weeks ago. Can we seize this moment of passion, let empathy rise above and correct the wrongs of the past?

Tommy Caldwell

That’s why I am super fired up about what’s happening in DC this week. Last September I testified in front of a Senate committee on the climate crisis. This week I’ll be returning to DC (virtually) with @protectourwinters and 60 outdoor athletes, business shredders, and scientists. Our plan has been to talk climate. I am hoping to look for opportunities to bring Intersectional Environmentalism into the conversation. Environmental degradation effects marginalized communities at a disproportionate rate. If we want to figure out how to save the planet, maybe we should start with the protection of our BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) community. Go to the link in my bio to learn how you can join the effort.

Black lives matter ultima modifica: 2020-06-22T04:15:00+02:00 da Totem&Tabù

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5 pensieri su “Black lives matter”

  1. Marcello,
    ma era dopo la sua (mediatizzata) salita sul Dawn Wall? Avrebbero almeno dovuto conoscerlo!

  2. L’ho scritto sperando sia di stimolo a chi non lo conosce, per conoscerlo. Non ho voluto dire che ogni socio Cai non sa chi è Caldwell, ma quelli da me interpellati in quell’occasione non lo sapevano.

  3. Non sapevano chi fosse Tommy Caldwell????
    Qui non siamo neanche alla frutta, siamo al pisolino dopo pasto..

  4. Bello, quando uno mette a disposizione la sua notorietà per una giusta causa. Un paio di anni fa Tommy Caldwell era in Italia e aveva chiesto a un amico e me, se avessimo potuto organizzargli qualche serata perché era in un momento economico non proprio favorevole. Grande fu lo stupore quando, interpellate via mail diverse sezioni del Cai dove avevo fatto anch’io delle serate in passato, ci avevano risposto negativamente perché non sapevano chi fosse.

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